Friday, February 19, 2010

New MG Series

Riley has always been one of my favorite characters in Alyson Noel's Immortals Series, and was always disappointed when, particularly in the last couple books, she didn't play a big part. Well, it's no longer a problem, because Noel is giving Riley a series all her own:

"Welcome to the Here and Now.

Riley Bloom left her sister, Ever, in the world of the living and crossed the bridge into the afterlife—a place called Here, where time is always Now. Riley and her dog, Buttercup, have been reunited with her parents and are just settling into a nice, relaxing death when she’s summoned before The Council. They let her in on a secret—the afterlife isn’t just an eternity of leisure; Riley has to work. She’s been assigned a job, Soul Catcher, and a teacher, Bodhi, a curious boy she can’t quite figure out.

Riley, Bodhi, and Buttercup return to earth for her first assignment, a Radiant Boy who’s been haunting a castle in England for centuries. Many Soul Catchers have tried to get him to cross the bridge and failed. But he’s never met Riley..." -

I've never been a huge fan of MG lit, but I just might have to make an exception in this case. Mostly because Riley flat-out rocks, but also because I'm afraid I'll miss some reference that Noel might make in future Immortals books.

Speaking of which, have you seen the cover for the fourth one coming out in June?

And the title of the fifth one has also been released: Night Star

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